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How to Get the 21 Savage Operator Bundle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2


Hey there, little gamers! 🎮 Are you ready to dive into an exciting adventure in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2? 🌟 Hold onto your controllers because we’re going to learn all about the super cool 21 Savage Operator Bundle and how you can get it to make your game even more awesome!

What’s the 21 Savage Operator Bundle?

Imagine you’re playing dress-up, just like when you put on your superhero costumes! 🦸‍♂️ Well, in Call of Duty, you can dress up your soldiers too! The 21 Savage Operator Bundle is like a special costume for your in-game character. It’s like giving your soldier a new outfit that makes them look super awesome and stand out in the game.

Why Do You Want It?

Okay, here’s the fun part! Imagine you have a magical cape that makes you feel super powerful. That’s exactly what the 21 Savage Operator Bundle does for your character in the game. When you have this bundle, your soldier looks super cool, and it even gives you a secret power boost! 💪 Well, not exactly a real power boost, but it makes you feel like a champion.

Step by Step: Getting the Bundle

4.1 Prepare Your Gear 👷‍♂️

Before we begin our adventure, make sure your game is ready to go! Ask a grown-up to help you turn on your gaming device and load Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.

4.2 Launch the Game 🚀

Whoosh! You’re now in the game world. It’s like jumping into a storybook where you’re the hero. Just wait until you see what’s next!

4.3 Find the Store 🏪

Okay, now it’s time to visit the in-game store. It’s like going to a magical shop where you can find all sorts of cool stuff. Look for a big sign that says “Store” and give it a click.

4.4 Get the Bundle! 🎁

Wowza! You’re so close to getting the 21 Savage Operator Bundle. Once you’re in the store, search for the bundle’s name, and when you find it, click on it. It’s like picking out your favorite toy from a shelf full of toys.

A Super Cool Skin! 🦸‍♂️

Imagine your character is a superhero, just like Batman or Wonder Woman. Well, when you put on the 21 Savage Operator Bundle, your character becomes a super cool soldier with an amazing new look. It’s like getting a brand-new costume for Halloween!

Can You Use It Anywhere? 🌍

Absolutely! Once you have the 21 Savage Operator Bundle, you can use it in both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. It’s like having a toy that you can play with at home and at your friend’s house too.

Questions Kids Ask! 🤔

7.1 Is 21 Savage a Superhero? 🦸‍♂️

Great question! 21 Savage is actually a super cool rapper, but not a superhero like Superman. He’s like a real-life rockstar who makes awesome music.

7.2 Can My Friend Use It Too? 👬

You bet! Just like you share toys with your friend, if your friend has the 21 Savage Operator Bundle, they can use it too. Imagine both of you looking super cool together in the game!

7.3 What if I Can’t Get It? 😢

Don’t worry, little champ! If you can’t get the bundle right now, it’s okay. You’re still a gaming hero without it. Keep playing and having fun, and maybe someday you’ll find a treasure chest full of cool stuff!

Fun and Games! 🎮

8.1 Pretend Play with the Skin! 🦄

Want to play pretend? Imagine you’re in the game as your super cool character. Run around the house, save the stuffed animals, and have a blast being a hero in your own world.

8.2 The Coolest Camouflage! 🦎

You know how chameleons change colors to hide? Well, your new bundle is like camouflage for your character. It helps your soldier blend into the game world and surprise the bad guys!

Let’s Wrap It Up! 🎁

That was a fantastic journey, wasn’t it? Now you know all about the 21 Savage Operator Bundle and how to get it. Remember, it’s like dressing up your character and giving them an awesome new look. Whether you have it or not, you’re still a gaming superstar!


In this adventure, we learned about the 21 Savage Operator Bundle, a special outfit for your game character. We discovered how to get it step by step and even explored some fun ways to enjoy it. Just remember, you’re the hero of your own gaming story!

Call to Action

Ready for more gaming adventures? Jump into your favorite game and keep spreading joy and fun with your friends. And if you ever want to know more about cool game stuff, just ask the grown-ups around you!

FAQs for Young Gamers! 🙋‍♂️

12.1 How Much Does the Bundle Cost?

The bundle might need some of your allowance or game money, but it’s worth it for the super cool look!

12.2 Can I Use It on Any Character?

Yup, you can! Just like changing clothes, you can change the look of your character with the bundle.

12.3 What if I Don’t Have Enough Money?

No worries, little gamer. Keep playing and having fun, and maybe you’ll find a way to get it later.

12.4 Can I Change the Skin’s Colors?

The bundle comes with its super cool look, so you can’t change its colors. But you’ll love the way it looks!

12.5 Is 21 Savage a Real Hero?

21 Savage is a real-life music hero, but not a superhero like Spider-Man. Still, his bundle makes you feel like a hero in the game!

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